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Call attempt #175 - Post anniversary and weekend
Obviously I skipped Friday because it was a bit of a trial that day. The weekend was wonderful and I was encouraged to attempt yet again to reconcile with your dad. Thus far there has been no response, but I remain willing. The conversation I had today with a gentleman here was also wonderful and encouraging. Saturday Chris Prince commented about some of our interaction with others and he stated that he is not as outgoing as I am. I pointed out that this is not my nature, but is due to a willingness and an attempt to practice it as an act of love toward others. I saw the fruit of that this weekend and again today. Sharing grace is wonderful and I desire to do it with my wife, kids, and Jim Cross. It takes both parties. I love you.
The Kozlowski Family ● An Attempt at RestorationFamily.Kozlowski
Voicemails to my kids
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