Call attempt #387 - Day 593 - Voicemails are full, so I will share this more widely

An email was sent last night with the subject “Going public, it begins. Please join me! Reconciliation is the only option for followers of the Lord Jesus Christ!” and can be found at Today’s phone call attempt was met with a mailbox full message, but I left one anyway. It is attached to this email and available at, as is the PDF of this email. Since there was no recording done by the phone provider, I felt free to record a longer message, almost 8 minutes.

Obviously I have no idea if the full mailbox is coincidence or on purpose due to last night’s email, but considering the lack of response to the previous 386 voicemails, I’ll send this to the entire list that was used last night.

If you follow a pseudochristos (Mat 24:24, Mar 13:22) please feel free to ignore this.

However, if you are a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, I ask you to please consider what your response should be to someone who has continually reached out to you and others for reconciliation? Can you honestly say that you have justification to ignore me? Can you say that there is something about me that deserves a year and a half of silence from my young kids, or almost 6 years from my wife? Do you say that I need to go away, get fixed, and come back, as one of you has? Do you have a higher calling than the Lord’s command to reconcile? Do you bow your knee to man’s law over the Lord’s? Are you a resounding gong?

Do you fear me because I proclaim reconciliation? Some have. Should I expect the police at my door again due to my unwillingness to disobey the Lord’s command to reconcile? Why stop there? Why not treat me as the protestant institutional church did to Fritz Erbe as I described in “My Move and Reconciliation Plans” last month that is now public at Would you feel safer if I was stuck in a hold like was done to Erbe for 7 years by the institutional church? Consider the hole:

For me I am approaching 6 years in a virtual hole, does that make you feel secure? If not, do you need the protection of the state from a man trying to reconcile with you? If so, Detectives Gibbs and Blake may still be available. The first visit was actually cordial. But remember, there might have been a crime committed by those involved in that event. Do you want to explore that? Perhaps direct dialogue would be better?

Or perhaps you might agree with me that Matthew 5:24 applies to our situation and should be obeyed. If so, please remember that my goal is reconciliation and not to conquer. I seek restored relationships, as mutual followers of Christ, in celebration of His grace. Care to join me?

The Kozlowski Family ● An Attempt at RestorationFamily.Kozlowski
Voicemails to my kids
# Time PDF