Call attempt #391 - Day 597 - Website development continues. Hope to widen the audience by the end of the month.

Things continue their incremental development on software, including the platform for the site. Work is being done on the layout. I feel reasonably confident that I can have enough in place for my larger audience attempt by the end of the month. Iā€™m disappointed, but not surprised, that Jim Cross, Render Caines, and Chris Bitterman do not find my effort to reconcile with them worthy of their time. Perhaps indeed we serve a different Lord. I hope not. But I will continue to study and attempt to live out what the Lord Jesus Christ calls His followers to do. Perhaps you would join me on that. I love you!

The Kozlowski Family ā— An Attempt at Restoration ā— Family.Kozlowski
Voicemails to my kids
# Time PDF