Call attempt #396 - Day 604 - An extra mile to visit three men. It was a joy. There are three others...

Today I took about a 6 mile hike which is now modest for me. In my walk I specifically went almost exactly an extra mile that was not part of the objective for the walk, the bank, post office, and food, but in some sense was the priority. I went back to Daybreak Suites to visit some of the gentlemen I have had contact with in the past.

None of these gentlemen offer any depth of conversation nor can really do much for me, but I am compelled, as a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, to visit these men, encourage these men, and fundamentally love these men.

One man spends his life in his motorized chair, but still has an engineering mind that functions well at over 80 years of age. The conversation are not deep, but he has expressed appreciation for my visits.

Another is the man I occasion drive for as he has a suspended license. He is a great musician and is a young 72, but alone and worth my time.

My primary interest is Rick, who I describe as clueless in many ways, but I see the Lord’s grace upon him. We have touched lightly on theology, but his understanding seems only basic. However, not because of his history, but there is a sense in me that he is my brother in Christ. If there is at least one of the people I know from Daybreak that I suspect will stand before the Lord redeemed, it is Rick. I can’t point to chapter and verse, nor can I show any evidence from his life, it is just a feeling.

He has seen only one of his five kids in the last few years, and that was only briefly. He has commented often, including today, about his appreciation for my visits. He alone was worth the extra mile. This is the model I want to set before my kids, as I contend that this is the model of a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I spoke with three men today as an act of love. My desire remains to speak with three other men, Jim Cross, Render Caines, and Chris Bitterman, as an act of love toward reconciliation. While they have been informed and invited, thus far they have not replied. Perhaps Rick understands the Lord’s grace better than these other three.


It was also pointed out in the voicemail that now that I am in a larger home, still a modest 1000 square feet, but I have room for others. It is my plan in the coming months to make at least one bedroom available for guests. As I repeat a lot to our kids, my home is your home. That remains true and I am trying to build a place that is inviting to them, as I remain their dad.

I’m in great health as my walk demonstrates. It is quite likely, considering that I have built myself up to this point, that I could out walk my kids over long distances. That challenge remains set before all. Any of my kids think they can beat their old-man walking the 8.4 mile Cleveland Greenway. I do it in under two hours. Can you?

My health indicates the likelihood that I will be available to my kids in the years to come. I want them to understand that I am preparing a place that is my home and office, but is inviting for guests. My kids are always invited.


Then there is my wife. As a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, I cannot turn from her, irrespective of her turning from me. She has been, is, and will always remain my one and only lady. My kids need to know that as that is the model I desire they follow. If you are a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, you have no other option. Please use the Scripture as your reference, not the Talmud or the wisdom of men.

I love you all, especially my wife!

The Kozlowski Family ● An Attempt at RestorationFamily.Kozlowski
Voicemails to my kids
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