Call attempt #432 - Day 656 - Death, Indiscretion, and grace

Last week included the death of another man who I have spent time with. He was in his 70s and “care” was withdrawn. In other words they drugged him, and refused to feed him or allow him to drink, i.e. murder. He was worth tens of millions of dollars. Family saw the money, I remember the man.

Another family related to close friends has a wife who is having marital fidelity problems. There has been a lot of grief and the impact on the kids is horrendous. There remains a faint glimmer of hope.

The marvelous joy was that my close friend, or rather my brother Chris, had the longest and most pleasant conversation with his wife in years yesterday. I had to admit to him that I was envious, but still found it a great joy. I desire that for my wife and me so very much. Dorothy-Jane, I love you!

The Kozlowski Family ● An Attempt at RestorationFamily.Kozlowski
Voicemails to my kids
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