Call attempt #436 - Day 660 - Skin Tags and George

A discussion came up today about skin issues including skin tags. The example of two people was given that had skin tags fall off by using an ointment. It was stated that due to my eating habits I probably don’t have skin tags. I stated that I did, but then questioned it in my mind. In the store I couldn’t politely check, but I did when I got home. Some of the notable ones I have had are gone. This is consistent with so many other skin and other issues that I no longer deal with and without the use of allopathic medical care.

It was suggested that George was better off due to the “care” he received and even though I refused my consent. It was further suggest that now I would agree because of his improvement. I didn’t agree then, and this is more evidence that confirms that I still don’t agree with the care given George. Remember, properly prescribed medical care is the third leading cause of death according to the CDC. I suggest, the one who loves and cares for George is his dad.

Consider the same when it comes to the Scripture and its exposition. I suggest, the one who loves and cares for Dorothy-Jane is her husband.

Dorothy-Jane, I love you.

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