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Call attempt #454 - Day 686 - Going more public on other video platforms

Part of the update today was to point out that as http://kozlowski.org is maturing in both the layout and underlying technology, I have also started to use other platforms to widen the distribution of videos, which in turn brings traffic to the website. For example the “Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, Adultery, Mercy” (http://kozlowski.org/2017-10-14+2) has been shared with a few views on YouTube with a comment that was interesting. The “Obedience to Christ or Social Security” (http://kozlowski.org/2018-02-01+1) is getting over twice the views on two platforms. I am promoting offline dialog with all and that may be opening some doors.

Then there is what is being done with ShofarNexus and I am now writing the script for a set of videos that is less dry the first “Why DNS?” (http://shofarnexus.com/Why,DNS). As what occurred in the 1980s, when Heritage System made an effort to have presence in technical magazines, ShofarNexus is doing the same. In the past, the floodgates opened. I remember our $500 a month ad in Computer Design magazine that suddenly became a million dollar sale to the NYSE. These things do happen, and often.

The important point on the Kozlowski.org site is that I am proclaiming obedience to Christ and the grace of Christ. I debated for a long time with others how specific to be. I have seen good examples of being clear and naming names, but want to do so in love and obedience to the Lord. Galatians 2:14 “in the presence of all” remains my theme. So let it be known to Jim Cross, Render Caines, and Chris Bitterman, that I will continue to follow this model as I did on the semi-private family site, but now on a larger stage. If they want to stop me, they better sent the police again. But you know that will not work and could backfire.

It is my hope that my wife will remember that clumsy guy that attempted to act as a follower of Christ in his pro-life work. My big push now is the Lord’s model and command to reconcile. It will be a remarkable joy if at least one of the three gentlemen would make an effort for that with me. I love you!

The Kozlowski Family ● An Attempt at RestorationFamily.Kozlowski
Voicemails to my kids
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