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Call attempt #881 - Day 1,284 - Reconcile 30 ● “Abortion of the Heart”

The great joy of the day, I did another pull-up. For a guy with weak arms, this is a joy for me. The second attempt only got just below my lips, so only one below my chin.

And then the reminder of “Abortion of the Hear”. It was insightful decades ago and remains so today. I still believe it.

Dorothy-Jane, I love you. Share life with me again please!



My wife coined the term “Abortion of the Heart”. The attached video has details. I used careful words so it is still family friendly.

I love you all!

This email: http://Family.Kozlowski.org/Email-2020-03-11+1

The video: http://Kozlowski.org/2020-03-11+1

The Kozlowski Family ● An Attempt at RestorationFamily.Kozlowski
Voicemails to my kids
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