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Call attempt #885 - Day 1,290 - Reconcile 30 ● George ● Who is showing love? - Mr. Cross, you don't want to listen to his voicemail

As stated, I will spend the rest of my life pursuing reconciliation with my wife.

Dorothy-Jane, I need a hug!


George and Family,

It was your email that I got on November 26, 2019 that inspired me to push all the harder to reconcile our family. The evidence strongly suggests that you know nothing of my dozens of responses in email or video form. You also probably don’t know about the birthday card and tie that was sitting in the PO Box on your birthday this year.

The tie you see below is the one that was in Lexington last month. It should have remained there.

So as I ask in the video today: “Who is the follower of Christ? Who is striving for reconciliation? Who is showing love?” There are three gentlemen that are in my daily prayers, Jim Cross, Render Caines, and Chris Bitterman. NOT ONE CAN HONESTLY ANSWER YES TO ALL THREE QUESTIONS! But the Lord’s grace is magnificent and reconciliation can occur. You will find that I repeatedly point to 2nd Peter 3:15 where reconciliation post Galatians 2 is seen as Peter calls Paul “our beloved brother”. This is my goal, and I pursue it unwaveringly. Join me in that!

About an hour ago I talked with my friend Chris Prince. A year ago he and I hiked to the top of Big Frog Mountain. I so desire to hike to the top again, and I want to do it with you, George. The thing that was so fascinating at the top, which is the highest point between here and Texas, is that in every direction you look it is down. An 11 mile hike and a half mile up. I did it as a 63-year-old so I don’t think you should have a problem doing it with me. The invitation remains. You will probably not hear about it.

In the video I state that it would only take one person, someone in the family our outside that would act as an intermediary to start a conversation toward reconciliation. I ask for that person to step forward. I think George would do the same. I do have an offer to be driven to Lexington, but that is clearly unwise and it is likely that someone like Detective Blake at the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office would again be contacted by Meadowview leadership to attempt to silence me. Should I point again to Proverbs 1984? So perhaps someone will step forward. Maybe I need to ask more people?

I love you all!

It was a bit more on details and the video got to 19 minutes, so only the audio is attached.

This email: http://Family.Kozlowski.org/Email-2020-03-17+1

The video: http://Kozlowski.org/2020-03-17+1

The Kozlowski Family ● An Attempt at RestorationFamily.Kozlowski
Voicemails to my kids
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