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Call attempt #893 - Day 1,300 - Reconcile 30 ● Coronavirus ● Fuel Project ● Psalm 91 - You might hear a strong tone in the voicemail

I state in the voicemail that I did a nine mile hike. I just rechecked and it was a bit over ten and I did end with the hill. I don’t live in panic about the dreaded flu because I am very healthy. How about my family?

But even more it has been remarkable to see how quickly people are cowering in fear and seeking protection from the state, including those in the institutional church. It is really disgusting! I think it is time to reread Jeremiah, as it seems to be timely again. Consider chapter 10. Verse 20 hits home. Does verse 21 describe Render Caines and Chris Bitterman?

Mr. Cross, there are certain things you have expressed over the years that I find now all the more disgusting. Your unwillingness to state if you still believe these things only makes it worse. Pointing to a man who uses the Talmud as a reference probably remains the most disgusting. You have read the Talmud recently, notably were it state Jesus is burning in hell. Is using that reference what you want to be known for? When you stated I should distance myself from Julian Assange, it sunk in. Remember the domain ShofarLeaks.com is mine. When you stated that I should have taken the well-paying job doing software for license plate reading since we can trust the state, it was disgusting. It has gotten a whole lot worse in the few days. Do you still trust the state? Your shredding of Matthew 19 is not only offensive to me, but as I have studied the offerings to Molech in recent days, that is exactly what you have done, you have offered your daughter, my wife, to Molech. Do you take pride in that? Thinking about it, you might.

Mr. Cross, you are a disgusting man, and so am I. Do you want to reconcile?

Dorothy-Jane, my guess is that the events of late are still a preparation for very hard times ahead. If every you want me, a man who all the more trusts in the Lord, I remain available to you and you alone. I love you!



I wonder how my family is reacting to the dreaded pandemic. Do they live in fear and turn to the state or trust in the Lord?

In the attached video I mention Mark Fairley of the Fuel Project and his video “Coronavirus - A Four-Point Christian Responsehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jn7vRXXBi0.

I recommend it since it doesn’t come from me, so you might find some credibility in it.

One of the things that I have not seen mentioned yet in all of the hype is the underlying reason for the “lack of enough hospital beds”, the people dying in the hallways, and the need to “flatten the curve”, is when people live as the Lord designed, in families, when people are sick they are taken care of at home by family. It is not that then the whole family then becomes sick, but like the chickenpox or measles parties of years ago, those that are healthy become even more so due to their exposure and building an immunity. Sounds like a health version of Proverbs 9:9 “Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; teach a righteous man, and he will increase in learning.” The medical community knows this, but does not want to apply this as then there is no need for them, there is no control that can be taken, and it hurts their pride.

Then there is Psalm 91. Do you understand my comment about the last verse?

I love you all!

This email: http://Family.Kozlowski.org/Email-2020-03-27+1

The video: http://Kozlowski.org/2020-03-27+1

The Kozlowski Family ● An Attempt at RestorationFamily.Kozlowski
Voicemails to my kids
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