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Call attempt #968 - Day 1,405 - ‘N’ Words ● “Nazi” and “…” - Age Restriction - “Continued irrelevance of Jesus Christ in our lives”

Yesterday and today were the worst two days of my life 8 years ago. Does anyone know why? The other obvious question, does anybody care? Perhaps George?

When I spoke with my friend Chris today about his weekend with his family, he made a statement that stood out: “Continued irrelevance of Jesus Christ in our lives”. Is that true of my family? It seems so.

I found a photo of my wife from long ago and it is absolutely confirmed, she is GEORGEOUS!

Dorothy-Jane, My Lady, I so very much miss you and want you back!

Monday, July 13, 2020


The video yesterday, ‘N’ Words ● “Nazi” and “…”, went online and got over 30 views in the first hour, which is continued growth for me. This morning I found that YouTube put an age restriction on it. I wrote an appeal, the first line had to be removed do to size limits. It is below:

The video was originally to my 8 month old grandson as an encouragement as he grows into a world that may have issues with him or his heritage.

The word “nigger” is used repeatedly and is made clear that the root of the word means “black” and therefore non-offensive unless the speaker intends it as such.

You allow others to use the term “Jesus Christ” in a clearly offensive way without restriction. As pointed out in the video, I use the term “nigger”, as is done frequently in the black community, without any offense behind it.

Restricting my video would clearly be a double standard, and I request you remove the restriction to allow the young, black, white, and mixed, to be encouraged that they are human beings created in the image of God, and the difference between a black man and a white man is simply skin color, not qualitative.

To my unexpected joy a few minutes later the restriction was removed. I felt compelled to acknowledge that I believe they did the right thing so I did a 6 minute video this morning and it was live about an hour later. While again BitChute is most of the traffic, the new video already has more views than the old.

It is short so this time it is attached.

I seriously wonder if anyone I know could have written the appeal or did the impromptu talk in the video which honesty? Yes, I have particular people in mind.

I hope you can find love in both videos.

I love you all, with a bit of extra to James, and his big sister Charlotte!

Kozlowski.org http://kozlowski.org/2020-07-12+1
Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/video/sbsn6ijdcmwv/
Brighteon https://www.brighteon.com/5d761c95-6ada-4a6f-b230-17b4fc795878
YouTube https://youtu.be/S4sZS0-9DvMf1Xemko

Sunday, July 12, 2020


When I was doing the daily videos to ask for dialog from anyone before my wife and my anniversary, I did one for James. In it I described what I saw growing up and what I anticipate or hope for James in his future. Obviously that would include Charlotte, but James was the focus of this video.

I later asked Isaac and Julia if they would be willing for me to put it out to a wider audience. No response came. So I continued to ponder it.

Yesterday during a visit to Gary and Lynn, she showed me a drawing that she did. It was obvious to me that this would be a great image for the video, and Lynn agreed.

So I added a brief preface to what was already a long video, and added some overlays and video clips. This morning it went live and got a couple dozen views in the first hour on BitChute. I expected YouTube to remove it, but they haven’t. However, they did give me a notice of copyright violation as I have a clip from the movie Blazing Saddles without sound. That should be something you take note of. No one has seen the video, but a clip from a movie was found. It is because they scan the videos for things like this by computer. Consider what is scanned about you today and more so tomorrow.

It is online for you or anyone else who would be interested.

I love you all!

Kozlowski.org http://kozlowski.org/2020-07-11+1
Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/video/lC4RmCyOPlaV/
Brighteon https://www.brighteon.com/dbb2ba6e-0552-4759-b5e8-4b890098146d
YouTube https://youtu.be/S4sZS0-bsGI

Sunday, July 12, 2020


On this day 8 years ago without warning my wife took my young kids and abandoned me. It was a less than joyful day.

8 years of attempting to have a conversation with my wife has resulted in no direct dialogs.

As a follower of Christ, my commit to her remains and will remain to the end of my days.

Walls are obviously put up as no one is willing to have a direct conversation on this with me. Jim Cross did interact a bit, but when you bring up obedience to Christ, he tucks his Talmud between his legs and runs.

Is there anyone in my family or extended family who understands what love is? Do you know that silence is torture? Is that your desire? What is it about the idea of reconciliation without retribution that scares everyone?

My heart has been ripped out and stomped on. My love for my family remains. I will not stop seeking reconciliation.

I love you all. Will anyone show that in return? Please tell my wife I love her!

The Kozlowski Family ● An Attempt at RestorationFamily.Kozlowski
Voicemails to my kids
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