The Church: His Model – FAQ




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The Church: His Model – FAQ

With any teaching, there are often questions. To compliment our teaching “The Church: His Model” we considered that it might be beneficial to release a Frequently Asked Questions follow up to assist in offering additional clarity on this complicated and controversial subject. This particular teaching reviews how our Creator intends for His people to organize and structure themselves.

The original teaching was never intended to address every point of scripture related to this subject, but simply offer a Biblical framework and perspective that would enable the student of the Word really explore how our Creator wants His people to organize themselves.

Considering all feedback we received out of the thousands who watched the teaching, we only received two instances of disagreement. One was the wife of a pastor, and the other claimed to be a pastor. Overall, we were quite surprised on the overwhelming amount of positive feedback we received. Many offered us further support on this subject. However, we were not surprised that the only two instances of pushback that we received that the common denominator was related to those of a pastor role.

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The Church: His Model – FAQ

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