Journey to Novarupta (Trailer)




After 10 years of production, we’re excited to announce an amazing new documentary on a topic that most creationists have never heard about … Novarupta! This movie was produced through a partnership with Genesis Apologetics (, DIVE Interactive Education (, and Creation Quest ( This amazing adventure shows the evidence for a worldwide flood and showcases geology that points to the historical record of the Bible.

The most powerful eruption of the 20th century. The explorer who led four expeditions in the early 1900’s. The book that told about their journeys into the hostile wilderness. And the modern-day creation scientist who rediscovered that book and picked up where National Geographic left off. Powerful evidence for the worldwide flood and Biblical history all comes together in one story of a volcano thirty times larger than Mount St. Helens!

Movie info here:

Purchase the movie here (no ads):

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Journey to Novarupta

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Journey to Novarupta

Journey to Novarupta

Journey to Novarupta (Trailer)