Call attempt #384 - Day 588 - Ransomware - a question about what model is set before out kids

Wed Apr 11, 2018 – My day started early when I informed that the new store in Tulsa was hit by ransomware. In this case it was an error on my part where I added a temporary user to the server to allow another party access to the pumps. It was an easy password and forgot to disable the account and we were broken into by a brute force attack. Bummer. However, Rapid OnSite (ShofarNexus) is designed for recovery, and in about an hour, before the store opened, we were running with no ransom paid. I suggest this is because of two characteristics in me that the Lord granted as His gifts. First over four decades of experience in the software arena helps.

Secondly, and I think more importantly, my mindset is to ask why more than asking how. Knowing why allows me to use that understanding to take on issues, including very serious ones, successfully, as demonstrated today.

As I deal with others in the software world, the tendency is to know how in order to make better money. I suggest knowing why is why things like my history with Tiato, New York Stock Exchange, Paramount/Crawford, and the contract jobs were so lucrative. But knowing why to follow the Lord is also a large part of why those collapsed.

I so very much desire for our kids to ask why, respectfully, and especially of the Lord, as Jacob did in Genesis 32. The model that is set before them is of a wimp (your dad) who refuses to examine the Scripture, or a coward (Chris Bitterman) who refuses communications, and whose institution calls the police on those who attempt obedience to the Lord. Is that tone harsh? Prove me wrong!

So what model are we going to point our kids toward? The model of do well in the world and compromise on Scripture, or follow the Lord with zeal and pay the price? I choose ‘B’. What about you?

I love you!

The Kozlowski Family ● An Attempt at RestorationFamily.Kozlowski
Voicemails to my kids
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