Call attempt #423 - Day 643 - The world thinks the US is unreliable and Christian. Isn't this a concern?

– I listened today to Jean-Claude Juncker, the head of the European Union, and he called the US actions “stupid”. I think he is right. We are becoming known in Europe, Asia, and basically everywhere else as a country that does not keep its commitments. The US influence is also diminishing as China is about to be the world’s largest economy, Russian and China have established close ties, and both are slowly establishing stronger ties with the EU. While there are many reasons for this, one of the motivators is that the US is unreliable.

Add to that that in many places in the world the US is consider a beacon of Christianity (pardon the pause while I laugh hysterically). Especially in the Moslem world, the US is seen as unreliable and Christian, and the two are equated. This is most unfortunate.

But then look at the institutional church in the US. The Moslem community has good reason to see unreliability and Christianity as the same. However, a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ would understand that the world’s views are not the reference. Followers of Christ keep commitments, and repent of their failings to do so. Followers of Christ encourage one another to keep commitments, and do so with grace. However, all parties need to be at the table.

I responded to George’s request within an hour after I saw your email. It has been on my mind constantly. Since we are approaching two days, I can’t help wonder if it will be like so many other offers that are ignored. Some of them are now at,Offer. Perhaps I will add this one too.

Even if you don’t respond, it is my hope one day George will know how often things were offered to him specifically. I wonder if he doesn’t yet know.

I have been under a lot of stress the last few days. It would be so nice to have my wife by my side to encourage me. I love you.

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