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Call attempt #532 - Day 797 - Unwillingness to examine Scripture

I have been working on my tools to present information and to also gather information. I have set the case before others that we have turned into a Twitter world where we only look at what is new which is consistent with Ecc 1:11 “There is no remembrance of former things, nor will there be any remembrance of later things yet to be among those who come after.” I am trying to fight back, both in technology and in dialog.

It has been fascinating today as it is Election Day and I set before a bunch of people that I was wrong in my political efforts and voting is inappropriate for the follower of Christ. I used Deuteronomy 17, 2 Kings 18, 1 Samuel 8, and Leviticus 19 as my references. Most were simply silent. Some said I was wrong, but gave no evidence. Not one would take on the Scripture.

For me it was a study on how to interact with people who claim Christ but are unwilling to take on the challenge to examine Scripture. I can think of others who have that same unwillingness, specifically Jim Cross, Render Caines, and Chris Bitterman, but you already know that. However, I am gaining an understanding of how to break down the walls between people, and seriously set before them the question if they are a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, or a pseudo-Christ. The Scripture is clear that most are the latter, but what a joy to encourage the former. It remains my hope that my family, especially my wife is part of the former. Unfortunately, I have no evidence of that, but I love you anyway!

The Kozlowski Family ● An Attempt at RestorationFamily.Kozlowski
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