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Call attempt #579 - Day 862 - "Vaxxed" and "Torture, Pastors, Elders, and Reconciliation" revisited

The voicemail had a review of some current events. One was an issue where a government funded doctor was suddenly fired as his position changed and pointed out evidence that vaccines cause autism. It remind me of sending the DVD of “Vaxxed” to Isaac and Julia, but I never heard from them on it. You can find that discussed at http://kozlowski.org/2017-02-03. It also reminded me of several events, the most discussed is being fired from Westar for speaking the truth. It is not popular and has a cost. Besides the cost of the income, there is the lack of people who will stand with you. You can read about that in the Scripture.

The video “Torture, Pastors, Elders, and Reconciliation” was also discussed as one of the things I mentioned over a year ago has suddenly become covered by AP. They mention the prisons in Yemen that the US has funded and made use of that for torture. In the video I mention how they would line the inside of trailers with feces and put people in and close the doors. It is not a kind act, but is paid for by our tax dollars. It can be viewed at: http://kozlowski.org/2017-09-14+1

Since is relates to current events I decided to upload it to BitChute (https://www.bitchute.com/video/k6f7amQSlqzf/). It will probably be view a few dozen times this month and then trickle afterward. It does mention Jim Cross, Render Caines, Chris Bitterman, Covenant Presbyterian and Meadowview directly. Perhaps one day one of them will come to the table and consider reconciliation as the Lord commands. My wife is mentioned to. I remain ever so much in love with her.

Dorothy-Jane, I love you!

The Kozlowski Family ● An Attempt at RestorationFamily.Kozlowski
Voicemails to my kids
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