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Call attempt #891 - Day 1,298 - Reconcile 30 ● Brent ● You are more than the husband of my daughterGeorge ● Sacrifice Children to Molech

My email to Brent was not received well by ErikaLeigh, and that is unfortunate. But as an act of love I will press on. Tomorrow my plan is to give an explanation of presuppositional apologetics. Light stuff, but vital. If you live in fear of someone pointing to Christ, then live in fear as I will not stop. If you take joy when someone points to Christ, please share that joy with me.

My study of Molech today was fascinating and it obviously inspired me to share it with George and my family. Do you see the majesty of the Lord in this, or is this foolishness to you? Do you need chapter and verse for that last comment?

Dorothy-Jane, my Lady, I love you!


Brent and Family,

You are my son-in-law but we don’t really have a relationship that goes beyond the one or two phone calls of many years ago. You are probably aware that ErikaLeigh grew up in a family very involved in the institutional church. Clearly she has abandoned the church and Christ. While her dad has also abandoned the institutional church, I have more fully embraced Christ.

Yesterday I was very direct with ErikaLeigh on obedience to Christ, and I offer you the same from a bit of a different perspective in the attached video.

It is my hope you find me as one who will endorse your efforts to run your own business. You need to be you, and not defined by an institution.

I contend with many on the veracity of Scripture. The ones who typically run are those whose hope is in the institutional church or as the Bible describes “deilos”. Some will contend with me, such as two good friends who are Mormons, one in Tennessee, and one in Utah of course, but their foundation has issues. Some will contend to show their superiority. But a few will contend, which in the Bible is based on the Greek word “agōnizomai”, to know the truth of Scripture and the Lord’s commands and blessings. Especially if you are interested in being part of that last group, you would be more than welcome.

My focus of late is defending the statement “the Bible is true and the institutional church is a fraud”. The second part is actually the easier part when the first is agreed, but thus far no one whose livelihood and hope is in the institution have been willing to take me on publically. This again brings to mind “deilos”. I continue to seek that. However, unlike most who call themselves Christian, I am more than willing to engage people on the first part. I have done so to varying degrees with the atheist, the Muslim, and in a different sense the Mormon. I don’t know where you stand. Care to take me on in rational dialog?

You, ErikaLeigh, and Leo are important parts of my life, even though you are also absent parts of my life. Please know that I am not closed to you, but will remain available as long as I have breath. I’m very healthy, so that might be for a long time.

I love you all!

This email: http://Family.Kozlowski.org/Email-2020-03-25+1

The video: http://Kozlowski.org/2020-03-25+1


George and Family,

Back in November you sent an email and offered some Scripture quotes. Clearly the dozens of responses have been kept from you. Perhaps it was because I also quote the Scripture that you have to be protected from that. Perhaps you are surrounded by snowflakes.

However, the video attached mentioned Deuteronomy 17 and applies it to today. Perhaps that will be scary since that is the Old Testament, and even worse the same book that gives us “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.” Do you see people getting frightened already?

Then it goes further when I go on to show how 1st Samuel 8 directly applies to our “democracy”. As people in the institutional church, as I once did, remind you to vote, remember verse 18 “And in that day you will cry out because of your king, whom you have chosen for yourselves, but the LORD will not answer you in that day."”

But it gets worse as I then start using the Hebrew words “Molech” and “melek”. What is demonstrated is the offering, giving, or sacrificing of children to Molech that the Lord condemns, is practiced today when parents put their children into the hands of the state, such as the education system, military, or perhaps we should also consider using the state to divide a family? But no, we can’t go there because that would require dialog and that is clearly an offensive term that is seen more often than the word “Molech”, but who is counting?

Yes, there is more than a bit of satire in my tone, but then do you think I will give up on my effort toward reconciling the family? NOT A CHANCE!

I love you all!

This email: http://Family.Kozlowski.org/Email-2020-03-25+2

The video: http://Kozlowski.org/2020-03-25+2

The Kozlowski Family ● An Attempt at RestorationFamily.Kozlowski
Voicemails to my kids
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