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Call attempt #903 - Day 1,311 - Reconcile 30 ● Parrhēsia ● Aura verses reality ●●● Hope or being ripped apart? ●●●

Today I got an email that leaves me confused. It is either one of hope, or I am being ripped apart. Obviously my desire is to see hope in it.

My Lady, you sent an email that would normally be a pleasant bit of encouragement. In times past I would have enjoyed so much what you sent and would also have enjoyed reviewing it with you. I desire to do things like that again with you. It is my hope that this door is opening.

With the assumption is it, like I have attempted to make clear to your dad, we will make mistakes. We will say things that shouldn’t be said. We will goof a lot, and I will probably do most of the goofing. But if we share the love of the Lord, if we share love for each other, if we both strive for obedience to the Lord, and both live out the commitment we have to each other, grace will overwhelm the blunders.

As I mentioned to your mom, I can’t tell Walter from Zadok. It has been an issue with me. If there is any hope for us, I ask for a simple favor to show it. Please, this weekend, send me a photo of Walter and Zadok. You don’t have to write anything. Just simply send me the photo. I want to know my sons. Yes, there is also Gloria-Jane, Susanna, George, and you. I will take what I can get. To be able to tell who is Walter and who is Zadok would be a marvelous start and bring such hope. Please grant me that hope!

I want to go on for hours with you. For the moment, I will only ask for the photo.

My Lady, I love you, I love you, I love you! I am your husband. I am your man.



There has been more than one contact made in recent days with family members. For this I am pleased, even when not all were gracious, but I have read 1Co 4:12 (“When reviled, we bless”). As the attached video describes, using the example of John 16, I will write and speak “parrhēsia” (“plainly”) to the best of my ability. I’m not going to give up. My family is worth it.

I love you all!

This email: http://Family.Kozlowski.org/Email-2020-04-10+1

The video: http://Kozlowski.org/2020-04-10+1

The Kozlowski Family ● An Attempt at RestorationFamily.Kozlowski
Voicemails to my kids
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