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Call attempt #963 - Day 1,398 - Savage Gulf video - Only 7 miles today - Great news from Crystal

A correction, I only did 7 miles today. It is still a lot less than the 16 of Friday.

It was great to hear that my Mormon friend Crystal is pregnant with her first. I wonder about my own family.

Dorothy-Jane, as somewhat carved in the sign at Savage Gulf, I love you!


Friday’s hike was great and I pondered doing a video on it since the one on Big Frog got a good bit of traffic, but decided to skip it. But then this morning my mind was changed and the 11 minute video is online if you desire.

The photos from the trip are also online. I have included one below that is titled “A man showing his heart”.

Please remember the offer to hike Big Frog Mountain with George remains. However, I assume he doesn’t know anything about it, does he?

I love you all!

Kozlowski.org http://kozlowski.org/2020-07-05+1
Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/video/zIvXb2uqF6Jt/
Brighteon https://www.brighteon.com/c04b3033-a1c0-45b3-8b37-5c8e700e8015
YouTube https://youtu.be/9aeZLnabzV0

We saw a sign where someone carved into it “D+J”. Since my heart has been held by a lady affectionately known as “DJ”, we took advantage of the moment.

I simply held a stick to what already was carved, but in reality, “DJ” has been carved into my heart for over 30 years.

The Kozlowski Family ● An Attempt at RestorationFamily.Kozlowski
Voicemails to my kids
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