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Call attempt #1,073 - Day 1,562 - Postcard Reconciliation is online

For my wife’s birthday tomorrow I worked a whole lot of hours on a video as a gift to her. She isn’t mentioned in it, nor is anyone by name. You can find it now by going to http://Kozlowski.org/Postcard. It should be announced and published elsewhere tomorrow.

If you want someone who can handle Scripture at this depth, then I invite you to be a part of my life again. If the Lord Jesus Christ scares you, then you might want to avoid me too.

I used four photos of people from different countries. In a very real way I think of them as people I know and even friends. Obviously I have never met them, but I do feel a bond to these particular people. They are human beings created in the image of God, and I would like to introduce you to them.

The “Nestle Girl” is a slave.

The “Schoolgirl” was held by Boko Haram for years and then released. She is in the arms of her dad.

Phuc Tong is the man who has 16,000 babies buried in cemeteries he built.

Shadi Shehda is my brother in Syria.

These people are in my heart. Some for many years.

There are others even more in my heart, but like the four above, they are isolated from me. That doesn’t have to continue. May I suggest the “Postcard Reconciliation” video demonstrates my effort to resolve that!

My Lady, and my kids, I love you!

The Kozlowski Family ● An Attempt at RestorationFamily.Kozlowski
Voicemails to my kids
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