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Call attempt #514 - Day 771 - Did someone goof. I'm still the pro-life guy

#514, Day 771 – Thu Oct 11, 2018 – It was noted that it took a long time to go to voicemail today. As I was leaving my message I got a call from your number. That was more than interesting. My guess was someone hit redial and then hung up once it was realized who was being called. This does not bring joy to my heart.

I mentioned a short blurb I wrote today which is below in reference to the movie “Gosnell: The Trial of America's Biggest Serial Killer”. It has become my habit to read out loud what I write as it seems to allow more errors to be caught and an improvement of clarity. However, I couldn’t read this all the way through while holding my composure. I’m still the pro-life guy. I miss my kids. And I very much miss my wife, who I still love and adore.


In the late 1980s I was a single guy who developed a heart for the unborn and wanted to do something. In the Lord’s graciousness He used that passion to first showed me Himself, for that I am grateful.

This was followed by over a decade of active work at a pregnancy care center and other pro-life activity.

Again in the Lord’s graciousness He granted me a lady to be one with and our union has been blessed with nine children walking the earth. This is called practicing what you preach.

It seems one of the greatest enemies I have found to living a pro-life message is the institutional church. I was welcomed to speak at a worship service when talking about the ministry or politics, but once I started to mention the Lord’s first commandment to man, “be fruitful and multiply” (Gen 1:28) I became unwelcome. This grieves me, but I still proclaim the same message.

Yes there are many in the so-called “medical community” that are the butchers of this world wearing white coats and driving nice cars. There are also the Norma McCorveys who by the grace of the Lord become “100% pro-life”. Miss Norma, as some knew her, is the Roe in Roe-v-Wade and stands before the Lord redeemed. PRAISE THE LORD!

Please, go see the movie!

The Kozlowski Family ● An Attempt at RestorationFamily.Kozlowski
Voicemails to my kids
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