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Call attempt #520 - Day 779 - Serious plans for Big Frog

We have plans for next week, and Lord willing sometime during the week we will be on the top of Big Frog Mountain. Five mile hike each way and a half mile up. My plan, and hopefully I will remember, is to have a camera with me so I can offer evidence of our trip.

Also there is hope that Chris will go with his daughter to Churchill Downs, which is fairly near where I was born, as he has a connection to get him in behind the scenes. His daughter is a serious horse person. His hope is to also stop at the Noah’s Ark model that was built by Answers in Genesis. I do wonder how much my kids know about the flood, what they believe about it, and if they can give a rational answer. When I have had dialog with people proclaiming evidence for the young earth model, most respond with insults and run. It is like proclaiming the Lord’s command to reconcile. The responses are the same. However, I press on.

Dorothy-Jane, I love you!

The Kozlowski Family ● An Attempt at RestorationFamily.Kozlowski
Voicemails to my kids
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