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Call attempt #174 - Day before, Package
After I left the voicemail I talked with Nirav. I told him that I might not be very available tomorrow due to emotional issues. He stated that he, being a workaholic, has noticed stress in his marriage and is making some effort to remediate that. Perhaps you would consider that also? I hope you got the package today and share the primary videos with our kids. I hope you also see the love that is in them. I might take another Greenway walk tomorrow morning. Since I have well exceeded my goal of a sub-hour walk in each direction, I think I might work toward walking a marathon. If I walk the Greenway three times, plus the walk to the Greenway, it is a bit more than a marathon. I will probably need to step into this a bit at a time, so perhaps one and half round trips tomorrow. Care to join me?
The Kozlowski Family ● An Attempt at RestorationFamily.Kozlowski
Voicemails to my kids
# Time PDF