Call attempt #407 - Day 621 - A post Mother's Day celebration - Reconciliation happens!

After a weekend of wondering what to do, how to love my wife and feeling helpless and clumsy I got great news this morning. My friend Chris, who is experiencing difficulties with the relationship with his wife, spent yesterday with a long visit with his mom, and then a long time with his family, including his wife. I have no doubt that it wasn’t as clean an event as he would have liked, but the great celebration is that it happened. A glimmer of real hope. A hint of reconciliation. These things happen! I offer no barrier for it to happen in our family. Shall we give it a try?

In my agony and desire to love you well, I wrote you an email Sunday that I think might mean something to you assuming…

For your reference, the email, “An email that you probably won't read. It hurts to know that” is at

The Kozlowski Family ● An Attempt at RestorationFamily.Kozlowski
Voicemails to my kids
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