Dr. Thinkist ● I went from technology as a career

Sep 30, 2018: Dr. Thinkist

I went from technology as a career to now moving on to acreage and investing my time into Permaculture, my own food forest, prepping the landscape to attract meat bearing game to live a subsistence lifestyle.

A super insulated cabin, wood heat, with a propane gravity furnace (no electricity needed) as a backup system, since I suspect when I am 90 I might not relish walking out in a blizzard to get more wood at times.. This plan was in place 50 years ago and now I am living it finally.

I can spend more Time with God than mankind who try to pull you away from God, or to worship their god made in their own image.

My nearest neighbor is about a half mile away.

I have not completely left technology I still have a decent Ham (Amateur) Radio system and antenna farm so I can talk anywhere on earth..

The Kozlowski Family ● An Attempt at RestorationFamily.Kozlowski
# Time
 1 Sun Sep 30, 2018 Dr. Thinkist ● I went from technology as a career