rehobothfarm ● Bravo John! Bravo!

Oct 3, 2018: rehobothfarm

Bravo John! Bravo! Why don't you show us how you can remain private and anonymous instead of telling us about it. I have your name, phone number and know what city you live in (written down now). I could have your home address in 5 minutes. You showing that you can use my ip address to geolocate is only more proof of my point. I guarantee that if you start creating apps to usurp this ability you are going to be charged with interfering with a public utility which is a felony and can be considered an act of terrorism. You don't own the telecommunications grid. It is a public utility. You are probably even violating your terms of service agreement with your internet service provider when you do this. You may want to look into the legal ramifications of your little app before you continue. Attempting to screw up the DNS system or mess with routers is a giant NO NO in my book. Just my advice. If you attempt to damage any of my personal equipment or that of others, not that I believe you really could, I will have you prosecuted to the fullest extent of US Federal code. Why is all this required for some little Bible app? You are an obsessed lunatic. The only thing you take away from the Bible is self justification which is a dead give away that you don't understand the point of it. Anyone that sees the Bible as a weapon to use on others is pointing it in the wrong direction. No wonder you can't get any funding. No Thanks. Now, like I said. I'm done. Please leave me alone.

The Kozlowski Family ● An Attempt at RestorationFamily.Kozlowski
# Time
 1 Wed Oct  3, 2018 rehobothfarm ● Bravo John! Bravo!