● Wow, what in interesting response.

Oct 3, 2018:

Wow, what in interesting response. I did essentially what you did, in the sense I used public information, and you accuse me of violating terms of service or attacking someone. That is a bit of a stretch.

You simply did a lookup of to get the registration information. That is public. From that you found my PO Box, again that is public. You found information about me from, which again is public. You stated you were trying to prove a point.

Both and run on ShofarNexus software and when you viewed a video from the site, I have the log, which includes IP addresses. This could have been done even if I used Apache or IIS, but I think you know that.

The difference from what I did and what you did is that your access to my site is only logged by my server, and of course the NSA.

Your implication that I am messing with “a public utility”, the DNS system, or intermediate routers is a reach. It won’t take much study of the ShofarNexus site to find where I am working both with and around the system. No damage or violation of laws is being done, except in places like China.

You can of course find my address. You can even find a photo of my home in some of my videos. I welcome a visit.

So what happened? You write about how much you know, but don’t seem to know that what I did was simple, straightforward, and very legal.

I did it to show that I also have an understanding of how the Internet works, but even more have solutions for anonymity. However, your reaction has been common. Suddenly when it is seen how an individual can find out information, you hear screaming. What I did is child’s play compared to what Facebook, Google, the NSA, etc. do and you know that. But people run scared from me because, as stated by one party I’m “on the wrong side of the NSA.” That is a badge I wear with honor as I will do what I can to protect the non-technical until I am stopped, which might occur.

You want to discuss the Bible, or just throw the book at me? I would be happy to and have frequently on this site.

You claim knowledge of how things work. Why not work toward protecting those that don’t have that knowledge more than simply telling them on the Internet not the use the Internet. This is my goal. This is an act of love. Please consider joining me in that effort.

The Kozlowski Family ● An Attempt at RestorationFamily.Kozlowski
# Time
 1 Wed Oct  3, 2018 ● Wow, what in interesting response.