● So lets sit at the adults table to use your expression

Oct 4, 2018:

Well your response is long, but I also suggest an attempt to move the focus and inconsistent. So lets sit at the adults table to use your expression.

You state that there are agencies tasked to protect Americans. I suggest they are marketed as such but do no such thing.

You use the Iranian bogeyman, but forget who is the aggressor. It was that agency tasked to protect us, that in reality protected BP in the early 1950s when the CIA overthrew Iran. It was our puppet Saddam Hussein using US supplied weapons to attack Iran. When he was no longer right, we killed millions in Iraq. The US became a party to a multinational agreement, the JCPOA, and without any violations by any party, the US simply withdraws and points the finger at Iran. The US has become known around the world as a country that cannot be trusted or sticks to agreements. And you think we should trust those agencies tasked with protecting Americans?

You point to China rounding up people for smoking dope. Remember that by far the US has more people in jail for smoking marijuana than any other nation, or perhaps all other nations combined. China is repressive, and things like involuntary organ harvesting are a serious concern, as is the social credit system. However, the US, with its prison population and credit scores are the same with a different facade.

You are right that the Internet is ARPAnet, a product of DARPA. But to run into a corner and hide because gets back to the Rev 21:8 reference. I do run my own servers, exactly as you state, but you seem to belittle me for practicing what I preach and you pontificate.

Oneway is better than Facebook, this is true, but even moving to the fediverse or PODs, does not take care of underlying issues that I contend Matryoshka does. Yet you seem to still rather belittle or run scared than fight back. It gets back to that love thing doesn’t it.

As I have been censored or blocked many times, including here at Oneway, you can find our dialog at:

The Kozlowski Family ● An Attempt at RestorationFamily.Kozlowski
# Time
 1 Thu Oct  4, 2018 ● So lets sit at the adults table to use your expression