Call attempt #397 - Day 607 - In years to come, what will our kids remember? Who followed the Scripture?

The tone was a bit stronger today as I have long been concerned about what our kids will think in the future. Will they see that both their parents attempted to follow the Lord? I contend the only way they will see that is if there is confession, repentance and reconciliation. Otherwise the model that is set before them is that the Lord isn’t real. The lord that their mom and granddad seem to follow allows for the ripping apart of Scripture to make it fit in the world’s mold. I want them to know that the Lord that their dad follows is the sole authority, is very real, and has given specific commands to be obeyed. They will clearly see that both their mom and dad are flawed. It is my hope that they will also see that both their mom and dad pursued obedience to the Lord and not only their flawed dad.

I’m sorry, but 1Co7:11 puts the weight on you. Have you listened to your dad and twisted the meaning to make it worthless? Or do you see what it clearly states and are willing to work, as two broken people, and reconcile? Who loves our kids more? Yes, that is a tough set of questions. Remember the man you married. Don’t you think he would love you by presenting to you the truth and offer grace to you?

About 2 years ago I did a video specifically to you, “For your consideration response”, which was a reply to about the last thing you sent me. It hurt a lot to do that because you ripped the Scripture to shreds, as your dad did some months back with Matthew 19. The title and URL were added to the video and it is now at There isn’t a public link yet, as I ask you to remember that time when I attempted to love you. I love you still.

The first draft of this mentioned the 10 minute video “The person who loves you is not your dad it is me!” I just watched it as a review and it was a reminder of many things. I am now inspired to add the title and URL and put it at: It should be there in an hour or so.

The video reminded me that your dad sent me a book as a PDF. As I stated, and it was honest, out of respect for him I read it. I responded to him, but as is too typical he left the table. Who loves you, the one who will contend from Scripture or the one who will hide from Scripture?

In the video I also mentioned that I asked your dad about the “Scripture Alone” book. He did not respond. Later I simply bought it for him and sent it to him. I got a delivery email from the shipper, but your dad did not acknowledge it. A couple weeks ago I lent my copy to Chris Prince. Sunday we did a hike and just before we started I read out loud the conclusion, which was only three pages. This is exactly what I asked your dad to do. Please consider getting the book from your dad and reading those few pages. As described, I take the Scripture seriously, and far more than ever before, because out of the Lord’s grace I have matured. What happened to your dad? What is happening to you? What will happen to our kids?

Please read this day’s email carefully. Please see in it the man who gave his heart to you. He was and remains flawed. He also loved and remains in love with you, and far more than any other walking the earth. Dorothy-Jane, your husband, as the Lord defines, loves you intensely.

The Kozlowski Family ● An Attempt at RestorationFamily.Kozlowski
Voicemails to my kids
# Time PDF