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Call attempt #666 - Day 983 - Veracity of the Bible - Fallacy of 666 and the institutional church - Reconciliation remains a command of the Lord

My wife might remember how in years past I wanted to know how we got the Bible and how we know it is true. I now have a good bit of understanding of how we got the Bible, why we can know it is true, and what parts of what we have we can question. There are the two large issues of Mark 16:9-20 and John 7:53-8:11, but there are numerous smaller ones, notably that Rev 13:18 is “616” and not “666”. But there is an industry built around the number and sensationalism sells more than truth. This is true with this verse and true with the institutional church as a whole. After now years of study, most verses used to justify an institution can easily be vanquished. Some take some more effort, but then which is more important, the comfort and sensationalism of the institution, or the truth? Consider how many of the institutional church leadership have been willing to contend on that issue? The answer is ZERO! It is much easier to call the police. Do you see an issue here? Do you yet see who is offering love?

The video from yesterday has been seen 36 times in the first 36 hours. Not bad for this nobody. But most probably did not watch to the end. It is the last part that is the most important. The email from yesterday is below. The guy who loves his family and trying to reconcile is available for dialog. Dorothy-Jane, you know I will not give up. Please join me in the effort to reconcile. I love you!

To the moms in my life, Madge, ErikaLeigh, Julia, and especially Dorothy-Jane,

As I expressed in Friday’s voicemail #665 it seems useless to send cards or flowers as I have in the past. So this year I did a video that gives a bit of history of this Mother’s Day celebration we have today. There is an example of a mom from 2Kings 4, and a few other comments.

Since interaction with my family, most especially with the woman who she and I have committed our lives to each other, has been limited, I am continuing to use a more public forum to reach my family. But like the Shunammite woman in Kings, no names are mentioned and I speak in generalities. I suggest very applicable generalities.

Titus 2 is also used and I suggest very relevant to the world, and to our family. It is a celebration of family, as you will see in the last part of the video.

So, to the moms in my life: Happy Mother’s Day! Due to circumstances I can’t live out my love physically before you, but you are loved by me.

Mother’s Day – Deception versus Reality – A Christian Perspective?

Kozlowski.org http://kozlowski.org/2019-05-12+1
Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/video/JSXm0SknyLXj/
Brighteon https://www.brighteon.com/6035657444001
YouTube https://youtu.be/s2Z_XD_PrqE
The Kozlowski Family ● An Attempt at RestorationFamily.Kozlowski
Voicemails to my kids
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