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Call attempt #918 - Day 1,332 - Reconcile 30 ● It is in the Bible… How to Divide Christians ● 15/30 miles ● Lynn/Gary ● Verses in Videos ● Episunagōgē ● Is the Institutional Church Going to Die? - And I got a bit feisty in the voicemail.

I state that I got a bit feisty in the voicemail because I did. But like so many words, there are multiple meanings to “feisty”. Which do you think applies?

If anyone in the family wants to be part of a reconciliation effort for our family, please let me know. George tired, and I’m sure he doesn’t know how often I responded to him. What is it going to be like for him, Susanna, Gloria-Jane, Walter and Zadok when they find out, perhaps years from now, how much effort was put into trying to reconcile the family and even more how it was thwarted by Jim Cross and my own wife. This doesn’t have to continue. Grace can be shared. It is going one way. Please reach back!

Dorothy-Jane, I love you!



I have been observing the general difference is reaction to the Panic-Demic from the world versus the Christian community. What seems to be is none, with the possible exception of an occasional lip service.

The analogy I see is just how cheap big screen TVs have devastated the drive-in and movie theaters. The yielding to drive-in services or stay at home live streamed services will not be the cause but only accelerate the decline of the local institutional church. Why listen to the local folk, when we can hear a dynamic nationally known speaker and singers with great talent? We don’t have to bother dealing with those annoying people, don’t have to dress up, and don’t have to be robbed in the tithe. No one will challenge us, since they probably didn’t anyway, so we lose nothing and can still beat the Baptists to the restaurants when they open again, if ever.

Then there is the example I gave in the video.

I love you all, notably on that list is my wife!

This email: http://Family.Kozlowski.org/Email-2020-05-04+1

The video: http://Kozlowski.org/2020-05-04+1


George, and Family,

It was a good day overall for me and I hope also for all of you. Attached is a video with three points.

1: My friend Chris and I continue to mutually encourage each other, both physically and in obedience to Christ. While we have hiked together for years, he has only recently begun to set a goal of at least 10 miles a week on his own. He is encouraged by me to do so. Years ago my goal was 10 miles a week, then 20, now a marathon (26). More often than not I make it, but have had a few weeks of being a bit shy. I started the day at 23, but do to his encouragement ended the day at 30. That is a model of what brothers do.

2: I saw another example of love today between Lynn and Gary. It is described in the video.

3: After a discussion on the recent videos that set a lot of theological foundation, I was encouraged to add the Scripture references to the videos and then make them public in Brighteon, Bitchute, and YouTube. The title will probably be updated so they can be logically grouped as foundational theology. I have thought about what is said in so many of them and what I have heard in sermons over the decades. I don’t recall things like a description of “Andrizomai” and how it is applied. So I am willing. Or perhaps I should quote Isaiah as I did yesterday “here am I, send me”.

Then there was the direct challenge to George. Of all that I know, or at least know a little, my guess is George might be someone who could keep up with me in walking. As I have expressed, I am a terrible runner and other things, but I am easily in the top 1% of walkers. George, my guess is that you might be able to give me a challenge if you decide to try. Find a place you can walk a nine mile path and do it in two hours or less. Once you get to that point, then try it with me and see if you can beat me. You have a 45 year advantage. Can you do it? The gauntlet is thrown down before you. Take the challenge!

I love you all. Please tell my wife I want to take a slow walk with her and that I love her!

This email: http://Family.Kozlowski.org/Email-2020-05-03+1

The video: http://Kozlowski.org/2020-05-03+1



Today John 6 was discussed and the question of Monergism versus Synergism. But the real focus was what it is to follow Christ. I have watched it twice and am convinced to put at least the recent videos on Bitchute, Brighteon, and YouTube.

I have been planning for many months to make it clear that these videos are public domain and you will see that now in the intro. The timing of this is simply I finally remembered to do it, and has nothing to do with the content.

Please consider what is said and if it is an accurate exposition of Scripture. If so, and you also agree that Scripture is what it claims to be, then please share with me in that joy.

I love you all. I heard some news about another family today that brought great sadness. In that sadness I was also reminded of the woman I love. Please tell my wife that I love her!

This email: http://Family.Kozlowski.org/Email-2020-05-02+1

The video: http://Kozlowski.org/2020-05-02+1

The Kozlowski Family ● An Attempt at RestorationFamily.Kozlowski
Voicemails to my kids
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