News & Politics

Dec 12 at 08:29 rico· Social · 









ChadThundercockovich Let those who want peace prepare for war.


·Dec 12 at 09:55·

Alexandra The booklet, "Sharia Law for Non-Muslims" published way back in 2010 by Dr Bill Warner, expert scholar & critic of Islam, makes this horrible situation easy to understand. It's short, written for the layperson.

Civilization as we know it, and the entire non-Muslim world is in dire straits RIGHT NOW. 

Islam itself is THE religion of HATE. 

Muslims hate Jews, Christians, Mormons (which they consider to be a separate group), Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, atheists, and fellow Muslims who try to leave the Islamic Cult of Death. Islam is a  GANG. Muslims are taught that they are entitled to rape and murder everybody else. 


Brigitte Gabriel's ACT! for America is a great site on how to push back agaist Islamic Hate right here in the USA,

Political islam



·Dec 12 at 10:30·Edited

Alexandra Oops, I apologize for my frequent edits. This site isn't all that easy to use, so lately I've resorted to using the first comment box to make drafts and edits, then copy/paste it all to a new box and delete the first box. I may have deleted upvotes by doing this...


·Dec 12 at 10:23·

ChadThundercockovich It's early days and we are early adopters. I don't talk about politics on facebook anymore.


·Dec 12 at 10:35·

rico all non muslims are infidels, either convert to islam or DIE its really that simple


·Dec 12 at 10:22·


Trump narrates "The Snake" by Al Wilson. We all know that all kinds of bad actors are coming through porous USA borders.


·Dec 12 at 10:28·

lordstompy What's worse is my town here in Australia is filling with Islamic immigrants, and just like that white Imam in the picture I'm seeing more and more western women here wearing the hajib. It's not enough they bring their cancer, they have to infiltrate and convert as many westerners as they can...and it's beginning to actually have visible results


·Dec 12 at 11:01·

ChadThundercockovich Australia is being invaded. Good luck in the ensuing intranational war.


·Dec 12 at 11:24·


I know it and about 10% of the population here know it. Wish us luck trying to red pill the normie retards.


·Dec 12 at 11:40·

ChadThundercockovich Good luck but you're better off preparing yourself rather than trying to convince a bunch of cucks of truths they cannot face yet. By all means try but don't expect too much.


·Dec 12 at 14:29·rico

for all us white folks it will be kill or be killed


·Dec 12 at 12:30·

ChadThundercockovich It always has been. We've just been made soft by a few easy decades.


·Dec 12 at 14:30·

astroman White males are telepathically manipulating Muslims to rape children, and black people to kill each other every day. White males are the problem, and must be eliminated. Oprah and Obama, and their Media Assets will approve.


·Dec 12 at 15:26·

rico thank god we have individuals that can recognize the evil in white males!!!!!!

·Dec 12 at 17:51·over70

Astroman, you are mentally defective. Or joking.

·Dec 12 at 18:54· It will get you a great audience to point to others as the cause of problems, and the Muslim is a great target. But if you are a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord’s command is not to attack or defend, but to trust in the Lord and love.

Please consider the simple idea of love the Muslim and contend with Islam, as the Muslim is a human being created in the image of God, but his faith is based on a fallacy. The follower of Christ needs to proclaim the Gospel, demonstrate it is true by living it, and not offer hellfire missiles.

If you want to outlaw them then your trust is in man. If you believe the Scripture, such as Matthew 5:44, you will engage the with grace.


·Dec 12 at 18:09·over70

I know a few muslims and they are all well behaved, educated people. But that could be because they are in the minority and they are following their "prophet's" guidance while a minority.

·Dec 12 at 18:58· 


Just as with the Christian community, the Muslim community has both the cultural Muslim and those that actually adhere to their faith. Most branches of Islam are actually peaceful, but there are some, in particular the Wahhabists, that have a violent attitude. The irony is that the center of Wahhabism is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that the US sells arms to, and the most secularized countries, such as Syria, we invade and bomb without evidence. Perhaps that is the American way, but I’m a follower of Christ and choose to trust the Lord and love.


·Dec 12 at 19:07·


I am actually on reasonable terms with some moderate Muslims, but the problem is in the west we have been under The Kalergi Plan for generations. The elites WANT to import violent muslims to fragment and destroy our civilisation. The elites are the main enemy, the radical muslims are the proxy army

·Dec 13 at 01:16·rico

sense discussing anything here this guy lives in the clouds, a total waste of time, you suck up to the savages, their have a cult of death and Jesus never made any creature to kill everyone that disagrees with him, that bible you read has been rewritten many many times by mere men, the only good muslim is a dead muslim

·Dec 13 at 12:22·

@over70, @lordstompy,

I celebrate with you that you know some in the Muslim community as they are people created in the image of God, just like the atheist, the Buddhist and the wayward Christian. The direct interaction allows you to show them who the real Lord Jesus Christ is as one day you might find one of them a brother.

It is worthy of doing study on what is often called weaponized migration, where populations are encouraged or forced to other lands. This is both to expel and to import people of differing characteristics. When some of those migrants cause harm to the society they move to, there is an appeal to leadership for protection. The leadership does this to foment their own power over their people. The response for the follower of the Lord Jesus Christ is to trust in the Lord, welcome the sojourner as brothers, not give power to the state, but to love your neighbor.

·Dec 13 at 07:08·rico


Islam: the politically incorrect truth

·Dec 13 at 12:42·rico

is good reading for those lost in the fog

·Dec 13 at 12:43· rico

just imagine this guy in charge of anything he is like pelosi with the idiocy

·Dec 13 at 12:24· rico

he is like feinstein total idiocy, oh yes when the muslim hears you say you are not a muslim but practice another religion he will say thats nice and then cut your head off

·Dec 13 at 12:27· @rico,

It appears our difference is that I have a reference, the Scripture, and your reference is perhaps only self-interest or the wisdom of men. Please correct me where I am wrong.

You expressed the myth that the Bible is a copy of a copy, but probably are unaware of the marvelous history, especially of the New Testament, and how it was written by the Apostles as separate documents and then distributed. The list that forms the canon was defined by the Apostles and not the Roman Catholic Church. Today over 50,000 whole or fragment copies have been collected from the first few centuries and the agreement is remarkable, while the disagreement for the most part can be shown to be errors by the scribes and none that impact doctrine.

Being a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ is a reasonable faith as the evidence is vast and miraculous for those who are willing to see. The follower of Christ is called to love the Lord and our neighbor. Hating those whose faith is not true is not a command, but rather to “Love your enemies” (Matthew 5:44).

If you prefer to only offer innuendo against me, thanks that puts me in good company. But also note you are following the example of those in Thessalonica in Acts 17 and those in Ephesus in Acts 19. As for me, I welcome anyone who would follow the model of those in Berea in Acts 17. This is the call of Christ, and an act of love.

You concluded with “the only good muslim is a dead muslim”. From the perspective of the follower of Christ, the only good Muslim, atheist, Buddhist, Hindu, or Christian in name only, is one who is redeemed by the Lord Jesus Christ. But then again, my reference is the Scripture.

I have no fear of the Muslim, but it is the Lord Jesus Christ that I love, fear, and submit to. You seem to fear the Muslim. For me, I would rather love them with the Gospel of Christ, rather than the swift delivery of a hellfire missile.

·Dec 13 at 13:17· rico

you have a right to your opinion, oh did God write the scripture or did men write it ? has the bible ever been rewritten? translated? and did God perform these tasks? did Jesus ever write down anything you claim he said? how do you know what he said or did? you have a subjective view of the world and not a single fact to support it, but as i said you have every right to your beliefs and opinions, now please respect the rights of others or you will become as murderous as any muslim

·Dec 13 at 13:25· 

@rico, Isn’t it fascinating that I gave evidence and even pointed to the examples of Acts 17 and 19 which demonstrate the irrational mob mentality. Your responses of “you have a right to your opinion” is simply what we see in Acts. You offered comics, and I used the Scripture. Do you see the difference?

But if I have that right, why would you respond with “please respect the rights of others”? There is an implication that I have stopped you from proclaiming a contrary view. Do you see the inconsistency in your statement? Or is it a concern that you are being called out for a fallacy?

As to did God write the Scripture? 2Tim3:16-17 and 2Peter1:20-21 says yes. Did Jesus during the time of the Gospels write any of the Scripture? No in one sense as He did not do so physically, but yes in the sense of 2Tim3:16 that all Scripture is God breathed.

Was it rewritten? In the sense of words changing, no. In the sense of word for word copies, of course.

Was it translated? Yes, from the original Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic. While some of the King James Version was sources from the Latin Vulgate since the original Greek was not as available as it is today, a modern translation is done from the original languages, and not a translation of a translation.

Please note that my comments are typically loaded with facts and references, but you claim not a single fact. There is a bit of inconsistency here.

While you are concerned that you might be murdered by a Muslim, I am not, as my concern is obedience to the Lord. If you use the 34,269 figure of deaths attributed to Islam, and assuming it is true, and compare that to the millions of Muslims the US and the EU countries have killed in the same time, who is more to be feared? Do you have the attitude of Madeline Albright and think “it was worth it”, or do we owe them an apology?

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