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Call attempt #733 - Day 1,076 - As expected, no response - May the Lord grant us a renewed mutual love!

With no surprise, but with disappointment, there was no contact by anyone today. Therefore, with much regret, I am obligated to respond to the letter from the state. It is my hope that simply pointing out the incorrect amount, considering Julia and perhaps George, might be sufficient to allow for a compromise. Obviously I will let you know tomorrow.

Dorothy-Jane, you are not my enemy, but the woman I love. Please consider not treating me, the man you committed your life to, as your enemy. Let me remind you what I pointed out now years ago, the person who loves you is not your dad, it is me!

May the Lord grant us a renewed mutual love!

Dorothy-Jane, I love you!

The Kozlowski Family ● An Attempt at RestorationFamily.Kozlowski
Voicemails to my kids
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