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Call attempt #910 - Day 1,322 - Reconcile 30 ● Elegchō ► Rebuke, Reprove

Happy Birthday Charlotte! May the Lord bless you and your family!

The number of things that have come to mind for the videos might keep me busy for a long time. I hope you will find what is being done useful. I hope it is because you are seeking the same Lord as I am. I hope you will share in it with me.

Dorothy-Jane, I love you. Considering the effort being put in her, can’t you see that I truly love you!



While the video yesterday was to point out the importance of dialog as seen in Scripture, it has been amazing to me to see how rebuke is also important and an act of love. I hope you might my attempt to explain this worth your time and an encouragement.

I love you all. Of course, please tell my wife I love her!

This email: http://Family.Kozlowski.org/Email-2020-04-21+2

The video: http://Kozlowski.org/2020-04-21+2

The Kozlowski Family ● An Attempt at RestorationFamily.Kozlowski
Voicemails to my kids
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