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Call attempt #913 - Day 1,325 - Reconcile 30 ● You Are Not To Be Called Teacher

This really is a lot of work to study what the Lord actually says in the Scripture, attempt to validate my understanding by reviewing differing perspectives, and then trying to express what I have found. It would be so much better in dialog rather than monolog. Perhaps you might have heard me mention that. To my joy, with some it is dialog. Please consider being a part.

Dorothy-Jane, I love you!



Perhaps you will see that the previous few videos were to set the stage for today as I build the case “The Bible is true and the institutional church is a fraud”. This is perhaps a first direct statement calling into question some of the periphery of the institutional church, in particular the “teacher”, which is a title the Lord commands us not to use. So today is why we are not to be called teacher and tomorrow should be how we are called to teach. It is an interesting paradox.

I’m not sure if I will more fully address the word “church”, which can easily be seen as misused, and then tithe, elder, and deacon, or work toward going more public first. I welcome input, but obviously don’t expect any.

One of the things I am keeping in the forefront of my mind is that so many of us, myself included, have always known a particular view of what a Christian is, and what the church is. But just as I have found so much in my life was based on fallacy, what would it be like for someone who thinking it was obedience to the Lord was part of the institution for years, and now comes to see that there is no call for it in Scripture, but it is manmade, as seen in Matthew 23 which was used today.

My desire is to keep in mind Colossians 4:6 “Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.”

I love you all. Please take joy in who my wife is and let her know that her husband loves her!

This email: http://Family.Kozlowski.org/Email-2020-04-24+1

The video: http://Kozlowski.org/2020-04-24+1

The Kozlowski Family ● An Attempt at RestorationFamily.Kozlowski
Voicemails to my kids
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