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Call attempt #887 - Day 1,292 - Reconcile 30 ● Isaac ● Is the Bible true?

– I did ask in the voicemail “why are people so scared of the Bible?” I know the first response is that it isn’t the Bible, but it is me or my views or something like that. Well, if I have it wrong, I’m asking for what is right. Then the response is “you don’t listen”. I cannot hear when others are silent.

If I have things wrong, let me know. My kids might remember when our family memorized Proverbs 27:5 “Better is open rebuke than hidden love.” Who is showing love? Maybe it is the one who is openly trying to reconcile the family. Who is offering open rebuke? Just read this email.

I do remember some of the dialog I had face-to-face with Isaac years ago when I visited North Carolina and was only able to see Julia and Isaac. Isaac showed courage in my dialog with him. It gave me hope for Julia that she might have a husband of courage. Is Madge embarrassed?

Dorothy-Jane, I love you and want you back!


Isaac and Family,

You are the first, but not the last, that are not my direct biological descendant that I am directly addressing. Even more, this is not fluff, but man-to-man, or it is my hope brother-to-brother. As previously stated, this is part of my effort to encourage anyone to be the second party in the process of reconciling my family. But a foundational issue is if this is a family made of followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. As I state in the video, I don’t mean “Christian”, as that is simply a label used by someone involved in an institution or makes a claim. Rather I am interested in knowing if there is anyone who will claim that their allegiance is to the Lord Jesus Christ and they use the Scripture to know Him and strive to be obedient to Him. Isaac, does that include you?

When I was young in the faith, I had to look to others for guidance as I did not know what was true. It was easy to see that not everyone was offering the same guidance. What brought me great joy was those who would say “the Scripture says…” and then backed it up. Years ago I wanted to be like that. Today I am like that. Do you want to be like that?

In the video I quote 2nd Timothy 3:12 “Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted…” There are so many that market Christianity in the form of “name it and claim it”, “health and wealth”, “just believe”, or some form of “our institution has the answer”. But what does the Lord say? Is the answer to that question important to you?

This is obviously not fluff, but I hope you see in my effort is an attempt to encourage you to be “strong and courageous”, and “to be ready to give an answer”. We talked frankly when I was in North Carolina so many years ago and you had moments where you showed boldness. We have only had passing comments since. Perhaps that is as far as it will ever go. But if you want to get serious, if you want a challenge, if your faith is at least as strong as my Mormon friends, and especially if your trust is in the Lord Jesus Christ, then serious dialog is welcome.

I have not been shy in stating that so many you know, such as the obvious Jim Cross and Chris Bitterman, run scared and are unwilling to engage with a brother seeking reconciliation. I will continue to state that Jim Cross tucks his Talmud between his legs and runs until he “dresses for action like a man” and comes back to the table as a follower of Christ should do. I do find it sad that Chris Bitterman seems to find his protection in the Davidson County Sheriff rather that joy in pursuit of reconciliation. But again, that is them. What about you?

You are the husband of my daughter, and unlike Jim Cross, I’m not taking her back. You are the father of two of the cutest kids I know. There has been serious fights with other grandparents on this, and I win every time. You are also my son-in-law. That is a claim I am pleased to make!

I love you all!

This email: http://Family.Kozlowski.org/Email-2020-03-19+1

The video: http://Kozlowski.org/2020-03-19+1

The Kozlowski Family ● An Attempt at RestorationFamily.Kozlowski
Voicemails to my kids
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