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Call attempt #890 - Day 1,297 - Reconcile 30 ● ErikaLeigh ● Keeping the Promise - Plans and Health

Yet another long voicemail about the video to ErikaLeigh, future plans, and questions on your health.

Dorothy-Jane, I love you. I hope you see that.


ErikaLeigh and Family,

I am well aware that this might not get the greatest first impression. The words that are quoted below will not help that. I’m not concerned about first impression. I am concerned about the lasting impression. It is my hope that you will see that there is someone, specifically your dad, who remains in love with you and available to you as long as I have breath.

The video for Jack yesterday was hard to produce. This one was no less. While you see so many you know cower in the institutional church, there remains at least one who, as your words stated, continues to trust in and point to the Lord Jesus Christ and NOT the institutions who use His name but know nothing of love.

Even to those who formerly would boldly proclaim Hebrews 13:4, but failed, should remember that all of Hebrews is true, including 11:6. Please “seek him.” The real one, not the fluff one in the institution.

You have a choice to see this video with anger toward me, or ignore it which is likely, but then you could see in it a dad who loves his daughter. You might find the hand that is reaching out to you is not there to slap your hand, but embrace it.

It has become very clear that if you reconcile with fluff, or use “let bygones be bygones”, which is more in line with Islam rather than Christianity, reconciliation does not really occur. But if reconciliation is based on truth, which is obviously found in John 14:6, then it can truly be an act of love and enduring. This is offered to you, your siblings, Jim Cross, and most especially your mom.

I love you all!

Wounded by the ones I thought stood by me

Slammed by those I thought loved me

Misunderstood by some

Ignored by most

Speaking the truth, may leave you feeling lonely

But no matter how many people reject you

No matter how many people tell you you’re crazy

If you speak the truth of Christ

He is right there next to you

Throughout the trails in this world

Don’t be surprise by those who hate you

They hated Jesus first, remember?

But the truth needs to be spoken


No matter what people say

If you’re best friend calls you crazy

Don’t turn aside from the Lord’s path

Only cry out to him who answers prayers

And he will always be with you

With his love and comfort surrounding you

And his words filling your empty soul


So no matter who calls me crazy

No matter what anyone says

If the Lord tells me to speak

Who am I but to obey?

If the Lord tells me to step forward

Who am I so stand still?

If the Lord tells me to fight

Who am I to lay down the sword he has placed in my hand?

This email: http://Family.Kozlowski.org/Email-2020-03-24+1

The video: http://Kozlowski.org/2020-03-24+1

The Kozlowski Family ● An Attempt at RestorationFamily.Kozlowski
Voicemails to my kids
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